RG2024 Prizes

Sunday, 11 May 2025

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Dandara 10k

Overall Winner, Male and Female: £100 cash and trophy

2nd Overall, Male and Female: £75 cash

3rd Overall, Male and Female: £25 cash

Prizes to 1st, 2nd and 3rd Male and Female Senior, Veteran, Super Veteran and Vintage

10K Running Club/JS Challenge Male/Female
3 X £10 to fastest team of four (only best three times count)

10K AB51 Business Challenge:
Shield for fastest team of at least four (only best three times count) from an AB51 business

Fastest Junior runner (aged 16–17) Male and Female: £25 cash

Mackie's 5k

Overall Winner, Male and Female: £100 cash, plus trophy and a year’s supply of Mackie’s ice cream and chocolate

2nd Overall, Male and Female: £75 cash

3rd Overall, Male and Female: £25 cash

Prizes to 1st, 2nd and 3rd Male and Female Senior, Veteran, Super Veteran and Vintage

Fastest Junior runner (aged 12–17), Male and Female: £25 cash, plus a year’s supply of Mackie’s ice cream and chocolate

Fastest Secondary School (minimum three runners), 10 bars of Mackie's chocolate for every runner on the school team

McWilliam Lippe Architects Half Marathon

Overall Winner, Male and Female: £100 cash and trophy

2nd Overall, Male and Female: £75 cash

3rd Overall, Male and Female: £25 cash

Prizes to 1st, 2nd and 3rd Male and Female Senior, Veteran, Super Veteran and Vintage

CP&Co. Junior Run

Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3 races

Overall Winner, Male and Female: £15 voucher and trophy

2nd Overall, Male and Female: £10 voucher

3rd Overall, Male and Female: £5 voucher

Primary school with most children taking part in the CP&CO. Junior Run:
Trophy and free weekday GSC pitch hire

Primary school with most children taking part in the CP&CO. Junior Run as a % of total school roll:
Trophy and free weekday GSC pitch hire

All races

jogscotland group with the most runners across all races: £50 + the Paul Douglas Shield